Candy Berry Juice

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€5,00 €7,20tu taupai €2,20
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Paragauti, Berry Juice
Formatas, Slim
Nikotinas, 120 mg
Dalys skardinėje, 20
Jėga, Strong


Candy Berry Juice - A Unique Twist of Berries in Snus

Looking for something new and unique to try in snus? Try Candy Berry Juice, the perfect blend of berries with a hint of juice. This product has a strong and intense flavor that will give you a refreshing experience.

Candy Berry Juice is a slim format snus that comes with 20 pieces in each can. The nicotine content is 120mg, which makes it a strong snus that is not suitable for beginners. The slim format makes it easy to use, and you can enjoy the unique flavor for an extended period.

The product is completely free from tobacco, which means you can enjoy the intense and unique flavor without any tobacco smoke. The blend of berry flavors gives you a refreshing and invigorating experience that will leave you feeling energized and refreshed.

Buy Candy Berry Juice Snus now to experience the unique twist of berries in a snus. Enjoy the refreshing and intense flavor of Candy Berry Juice Snus, which will leave you craving for more. Try it out today and join the world of snus connoisseurs who love the unique and exciting flavors of Candy Snus.

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